2. Zirconia Bridges (eg. Prettau®)
-Solid core of Zirconium oxide
-Can be layered with dental porcelain
-Fabricated in laboratory with CAD-CAM technology
-High biocompatiblity
-"Non-metalic" white core material
-High strength
3. Acrylic Bridges
-Acrylic "denture" teeth bonded by pink acrylic
-Reinforced with a core of metal alloy or titanium
-Lower cost
-Lower fracture resistance
-Easy to repair
3. Acrylic Bridges
3. Acrylic Bridges
-Acrylic "denture" teeth bonded by pink acrylic
-Reinforced with a core of metal alloy or titanium
-Lower cost
-Lower fracture resistance
-Easy to repair
-Acrylic "denture" teeth bonded by pink acrylic
-Reinforced with a core of metal alloy or titanium
3. Acrylic Bridges
-Acrylic "denture" teeth bonded by pink acrylic
-Reinforced with a core of metal alloy or titanium
-Lower cost
-Lower fracture resistance
-Easy to repair
-Lower cost
-Lower fracture resistance
-Easy to repair