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Types of Implant Bridges
There are several types of Fixed Implant Bridges based on the material, design and size.  The bridges are "FIXED" and are either "CEMENTED" or secured "SCREW-RETAINED" by small screws.  Only the Dentist can remove and detach the screw-retained bridge


1.  Porcelain Fused to Metal Bridges

     -Porcelain layer bonded to a solid core of precious metal, often a combination of gold, palladium, platinium and other biocompatible alloys

     -Extremely durable metal core

     -Typically higher cost (and labour) due to precious metals

     -High strength and resilience 





2.  Zirconia Bridges (eg. Prettau®) 

     -Solid core of Zirconium oxide

     -Can be layered with dental porcelain

     -Fabricated in laboratory with CAD-CAM technology

     -High biocompatiblity

     -"Non-metalic" white core material 

     -High strength 



3.  Acrylic Bridges 

     -Acrylic "denture" teeth bonded by pink acrylic

     -Reinforced with a core of metal alloy or titanium

     -Lower cost

     -Lower fracture resistance

     -Easy to repair 

3.  Acrylic Bridges 


3.  Acrylic Bridges 

     -Acrylic "denture" teeth bonded by pink acrylic

     -Reinforced with a core of metal alloy or titanium

     -Lower cost

     -Lower fracture resistance

     -Easy to repair 

     -Acrylic "denture" teeth bonded by pink acrylic

     -Reinforced with a core of metal alloy or titanium


3.  Acrylic Bridges 

     -Acrylic "denture" teeth bonded by pink acrylic

     -Reinforced with a core of metal alloy or titanium

     -Lower cost

     -Lower fracture resistance

     -Easy to repair 

     -Lower cost

     -Lower fracture resistance

     -Easy to repair 



3.  Acrylic Bridges 

     -Acrylic "denture" teeth bonded by pink acrylic

     -Reinforced with a core of metal alloy or titanium

     -Lower cost

     -Lower fracture resistance

     -Easy to repair 


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