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Have you always wanted a better smile?... 

Are you concerned about the appearance of an old crown or bridge?... 

Is it becoming more difficult to chew due to missing teeth?...

Are you having difficulty with an ill-fitting denture?... 

 Have you always wanted to speak to an Implant Dentistry professional?... 



New patients are accepted and invited to contact us at 613-233-2787

Our friendly staff at Prosthodontics on Chamberlain would be pleased to schedule you a consultation.   





P A T I E N T    R E F E R R A L S   


(information for referring DENTISTS and other Health Professionals)

If you are a Dentist or Health professional and wish to refer a new patient, please help us by completing a PATIENT REFERRAL FORMRelevant radiographs/study models are appreciated.  After seeing your patient, we will respond with a written report of our assessment.  The referral form sent to admin@ottawasmile.com  Thank you for your support. 






 T H E   N E W   P A T I E N T   E X P E R I E N C E



1.  Y O U R   I N I T I A L   C O N S U L T A T I O N


Completion of the HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE and PRIVACY FORM forms BEFORE arriving for your first appointment is appreciated.   





During your initial consultation we will first review your medical and dental history.  We will discuss your primary dental concern and perform a thorough oral exam to determine the existing problem(s).  We will use any previous radiographs but additional x-rays may be necessary.  Occasionally, another appointment may be needed to obtain more diagnostic information by taking study models of the teeth, digital radiographs, or 3D imaging.  A referral to other dental specialists may be necessary to optimize the overall prosthetic result.


A customized treatment plan will be presented as well as several options.  Typically, each of the treatment options has varying risks and benefits that will be thoroughly discussed.  We trust that you will be well informed about the possibilities to improve your dental health after this first appointment.  Our helpful staff will offer details about the cost of treatment, frequency and duration of appointments.  Of course, more complex situations will require additional appointments to clarify the treatment plan and process of your dental care.

The initial consultation usually requires 30-45 minutes.



2.  I N S U R A N C E   I N F O R M A T I O N

For treatment estimates and payments, we will gladly help submit your claim form electronically to your insurance company.  Please be aware that each insurance plan is customized to your needs and coverage varies from patient to patient.  Payment for our services is collected in full after treatment.  Your appropriate reimbursement will be later forwarded directly to you from your insurance carrier. 



3.  P A R K I N G


There is ample FREE parking.  Please park in our reserved spaces directly beside our building (on the west side).







"What does your SMILE say about you..."

C R O W N S  .  B R I D G E S  .  I M P L A N T S  .  D E N T U R E S  .  V E N E E R S  

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Dr. Stewart Hum Dentistry Professional Corp.

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